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flames etc hate mail mobile site old logos pizza kevin post archive rave music sam's stuff what is this ![]() she says no? ![]() |
9:21 AM | July 26, 2022 hikaricore: Heads up, the site is going read-only for a little bit, while I update PHP and some other services. ETA ranges from soon to whenever. <311:10 AM | February 15, 2022 hikaricore: Oh snap! That's harsh, but funny. ![]() 10:25 AM | February 12, 2022 Core: Did anyone know that spiderman's calendar only has 11 months? I for real didn't... turns out its because he lost May.3:28 PM | October 4, 2021 hikaricore: You're quite welcome. I managed to save a few good mixes over the years and wanted to share them so they didn't just bitrot on my drives. ^_^5:44 PM | October 2, 2021 Blakestar: Hi. Thank you for posting my mix. Can’t believe it’s over 15yrs old.4:16 AM | September 13, 2021 byjhpjo: icIcYKRF10:52 PM | February 16, 2021 hikaricore: Cleared out the spam. Oops.3:24 PM | October 16, 2020 hikaricore: Good to see you again man. LOL @ these fucking bots trying to inject bitcoin skimmer code. There's no bitcoin shit on here. The whole website is held together by duct tape and stubbornness. They think I would be storing my bc wallet or mining on this shit? Bwahahaha. Best wishes to you and yours my old friend. See you again next year. ^_^7:50 AM | September 29, 2020 Core: Career jump off #2 in 60 days or less and counting. Mojave desert... I WILL return you motherfucker.7:48 AM | September 29, 2020 Core: 2020 pandemic and a back surgery later this mother fucker couldnt manage to kill me11:52 AM | June 23, 2020 hikaricore: We're surviving the pandemic thus far. Also, fuck the police. <32:13 AM | May 13, 2019 hikaricore: Yep. The site's not going anywhere as long as I'm around. ![]() 10:42 PM | May 12, 2019 Core: Still running? excellent. be back in another three years.1:55 AM | December 22, 2018 ..-..-: hey10:22 PM | October 9, 2018 hikaricore: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯4:06 PM | February 17, 2018 hikaricore: 5 years ago I got my domain back from Russian music pirates. Even if it is dormant, I'm happy with it. Maybe some day I'll finish the history page and do something new with it. ![]() 3:16 PM | May 3, 2016 hikaricore: Update test. (ignore me)8:43 PM | April 1, 2016 hikaricore: Semantics. ![]() 7:35 PM | April 1, 2016 Core: I guess for both although is dead inside12:33 AM | March 2, 2016 hikaricore: You, or the site? Of course it is. Do you think I'm going to just let Russian music pirates have my domain back again after all these years. ![]() 11:51 PM | February 22, 2016 Core: Weeeee still alive3:18 PM | April 30, 2013 hikaricore: Hilarious UPS delivery status: Met Customer Man12:00 PM | March 7, 2013 hikaricore: Speaking of your spacebar issue of course.11:59 AM | March 7, 2013 hikaricore: I suppose it was only a matter of time.11:59 AM | March 7, 2013 hikaricore: XD8:15 PM | March 6, 2013 pax: and my spacebar stopped working8:15 PM | March 6, 2013 pax: mymomisinthementalwardandI'mdrunk10:36 PM | February 24, 2013 hikaricore: ![]() 10:11 PM | February 24, 2013 blakestar: thanks for posting my old mix, i thought it was lost in the ether.10:49 PM | December 18, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 8:55 PM | December 4, 2012 hikaricore: Of course! ![]() 6:33 PM | December 4, 2012 pax: *shrug* If I don't remember it, it's new to me?1:12 AM | December 3, 2012 hikaricore: Nope, same one.. I've been really REALLY lazy this year lol.11:56 PM | December 1, 2012 pax: Is this a different December theme?11:44 AM | November 24, 2012 hikaricore: Shazzam!1:55 PM | October 26, 2012 hikaricore: This is awesome:![]() 4:33 PM | October 10, 2012 pax: I just found out the wedding I'm in this weekend is having an open bar. I just got super excited.12:27 PM | October 1, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 11:38 AM | October 1, 2012 hikaricore: Star Wars?5:05 AM | October 1, 2012 su2ge: Yay for microscopic organisms that invade the body and cause adverse reactions that affect sleep! Oh wait...12:10 PM | September 11, 2012 Core: I now need a pci wireless card that is n+ or better that has WoWLAN so short of internet loss at the house I can remote in to my pc. Yeah im really optimistic about this one folks.12:03 PM | September 11, 2012 pax: My random pokemon is some kind of cat-looking thing, and it's dancing to the nyan cat video. ^_^9:56 AM | September 10, 2012 Core: 2:40 PM | September 7, 2012 hikaricore: Consider me amazed. ![]() 8:36 AM | September 7, 2012 pax: So it turns out that my mom likely had heat exhaustion, and the house wasn't really that bad. Other than having to sit in a car for 24+ hours over the course of the weekend, it was actually a nice visit. I think that's the most lucid I've seen my mom in about seven years. ![]() 3:40 PM | August 30, 2012 pax: Thanks! It's gonna be the best! On an actually positive note, I won't have to get her in the hospital because Mike and Mary took care of that last night. And my sister will be coming down from Atlanta to share the responsibility.12:42 PM | August 30, 2012 hikaricore: Have a great vacation Laura! ![]() 9:46 PM | August 28, 2012 pax: super. apparently, I'll be spending labor day weekend driving to GA to clean a house I don't live in and likely attempting to get my mom hospitalized.10:40 AM | August 28, 2012 pax: Because you're incredibly lucky?10:21 AM | August 28, 2012 hikaricore: How do I miss these things?! lol8:54 AM | August 28, 2012 pax: Holy shit. In the last two weeks, I've seen a picture of someone's baby still half inside the mom, and one still covered in birth goo with the cord still attached. On fucking Facebook. Inappropriate much? Gross.1:52 PM | August 23, 2012 hikaricore: Indeed. ![]() 1:34 PM | August 23, 2012 pax: sweet! This is the one you said Emily would probably like, yes?12:10 AM | August 23, 2012 hikaricore: English dub is finally out. I told you about this movie last year. ![]() 12:09 AM | August 23, 2012 hikaricore: Btw: Welcome to the Space Show 2010 BDRip XviD-RedBlade4:58 PM | August 15, 2012 hikaricore: baconmaster7:02 PM | August 2, 2012 pax: I'm jealous of people who think being a teenager was better than being an adult. :P2:36 PM | August 2, 2012 pax: ![]() 1:33 AM | August 2, 2012 hikaricore: July seemed to come and go faster than and ugly hooker.11:48 AM | August 1, 2012 pax:'s a different month.2:30 PM | July 29, 2012 hikaricore: They sure do... but luckily they don't happen as often these days. ^_^8:16 AM | July 27, 2012 su2ge: Spambots wake up way too early.10:23 PM | July 26, 2012 hikaricore: falcon punch9:02 AM | July 21, 2012 pax: No one ever, apparently.12:37 AM | July 21, 2012 hikaricore: You mean a 3 month old baby shouldn't be in a loud assed movie theater at midnight? Who would have ever thought..9:49 PM | July 20, 2012 pax: gah. Phone spasm. It's probably selfish of me, but I hope that in light of this Colorado mess, people will stop bringing their fucking kids to innappropriate movies at innappropriate times. :P9:47 PM | July 20, 2012 pax: It's probably selfish.7:24 PM | July 19, 2012 hikaricore: *explanation7:24 PM | July 19, 2012 hikaricore: Oh nice... also, it's your mother. Does that even really need explaination?10:51 AM | July 19, 2012 pax: why is living in a tiny one bedroom apartment with three kids and two cats less stressful than living with my mother?10:23 AM | July 14, 2012 pax: Terrible pun ftw!1:27 AM | July 14, 2012 hikaricore: Especially... Steve JOBS ![]() 5:28 PM | July 13, 2012 pax: Jobs are like Pokemon. Gotta catch 'em all.7:24 AM | July 13, 2012 su2ge: It sneaks up on you like that...1:34 AM | July 13, 2012 hikaricore: I'm working a full time and a part time job... how the fuck did this happen??10:37 PM | July 10, 2012 pax: <38:32 PM | July 10, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 8:14 PM | July 10, 2012 pax: Call center jobs GAVE me the phone anxiety.8:00 PM | July 10, 2012 hikaricore: I actually have that problem too, but it's a lot better than it used to be. Probably in part by all the call centers I've worked at. lol7:24 PM | July 10, 2012 pax: severe phone anxiety says no. Besides, I'm actually almost done. Now I can focus on the birthday party I'm hosting Saturday, and the bridal shower I'm hosting Sunday right before we leave. :P7:07 PM | July 10, 2012 hikaricore: You should call around and ask. ^_^5:20 PM | July 10, 2012 pax: what about cookies?5:01 PM | July 10, 2012 hikaricore: I think they take cash, credit, or drugs..4:50 PM | July 10, 2012 pax: with monopoly money?4:23 PM | July 10, 2012 hikaricore: You can pay people to do that.1:02 PM | July 10, 2012 pax: Oh man. I forgot how much I hate the "work" part of moving.11:52 PM | July 8, 2012 pax: Thanks. ![]() 11:19 PM | July 8, 2012 hikaricore: Congrats dudes. ![]() 4:22 PM | July 8, 2012 su2ge: ![]() ![]() ![]() 3:27 PM | July 8, 2012 pax: Indeed1:52 PM | July 8, 2012 migoboom: Fonda is testing my paintence, the talking heads they are talking to me.1:52 PM | July 8, 2012 pax: leaving in a week ^_^1:51 PM | July 8, 2012 pax: and now it's official. Kids and I are moving to NC. super excited to get out of GA and live with my husband like people again. ^_^12:13 AM | July 8, 2012 su2ge: ![]() 9:52 PM | July 7, 2012 pax: speaking of retards with offspring....I just told my mom that the kids and I will likely be moving in the next month or so and she's just staring at me.1:36 PM | July 7, 2012 hikaricore: Exactly.12:22 PM | July 7, 2012 pax: Blaaaah.5:47 PM | July 6, 2012 su2ge: I don't know... Psychically would be more interesting...3:22 PM | July 6, 2012 pax: Tiny cup is tiny.2:17 PM | July 6, 2012 hikaricore: Also, lol @ retards with offspring. ![]() 2:17 PM | July 6, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 11:09 AM | July 6, 2012 pax: physically. Jesus. I need more coffee.11:04 AM | July 6, 2012 pax: I love when people who know absolutely nothing about babies have one and then attempt to make their two WEEK old baby do things that two week old babies are not psychically capable of doing. And then post it on FB so that all of their moron friends who don't have babies can give them terrible advice. .>.<10:21 AM | July 6, 2012 hikaricore: Monday. ![]() 10:13 AM | July 6, 2012 su2ge: PROTIP: pizza pizza10:35 PM | July 5, 2012 su2ge: Fuck generations X, Y and whatever, our generations are starting to look more like generations W, T and F.6:39 PM | July 5, 2012 su2ge: Upgraded? Damn. When do you start your new job again?1:52 PM | July 5, 2012 hikaricore: Upgrading the boss to XP... yes I know how funny that is.9:50 PM | July 2, 2012 pax: ![]() 9:37 PM | July 2, 2012 su2ge: ![]() 9:18 PM | July 2, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 8:25 PM | July 2, 2012 pax: My husband and I are adorable AND I got carded buying wine today? Best day ever!7:58 PM | July 2, 2012 hikaricore: Btw, you two are adorable. ![]() 1:54 PM | July 2, 2012 hikaricore: It really is... last night some dumb bastards were setting off fireworks at like midnight.10:01 PM | July 1, 2012 pax: July is a sneaky bastard.1:52 AM | July 1, 2012 hikaricore: lol, repeat theme. totally forgot it was the end of june already. ![]() 7:47 PM | June 30, 2012 pax: Mark me down for not caring also.4:44 PM | June 29, 2012 hikaricore: Yes I know I wrote that wrong. Didn't care at the time, still don't.6:15 AM | June 29, 2012 hikaricore: Early in the morning, rising to my feet.10:25 PM | June 26, 2012 hikaricore: Found it in my old trapper. ![]() 10:18 PM | June 26, 2012 su2ge: Sweet oldschool.6:40 PM | June 26, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 11:33 PM | June 25, 2012 pax: No, but if you hum a few bars....10:10 PM | June 25, 2012 su2ge: Did you know under Mitt Romney... ?12:11 AM | June 22, 2012 pax: >.<12:03 AM | June 22, 2012 hikaricore: She's atleast 24 and white.11:50 PM | June 21, 2012 pax: So...what I got from that is that this girl is a 15 year old non-native English speaker? Yes?11:41 PM | June 21, 2012 hikaricore: "Isnt it funny how some people are always the victim an always the innocent one an everyone else is quote on quote jealous or users or just players when you go threw guys from month to month its you idiot! You cant be a wh*re with good intentions. Your pitiful in so many ways cry me a river an drownd in it."11:30 PM | June 21, 2012 pax: It always is. XD11:20 PM | June 21, 2012 hikaricore: Btw, the first person to like my recent facebook post is actually the one I was talking about.5:41 PM | June 21, 2012 pax: I'm immensely looking forward to hearing about it, lol.4:08 PM | June 21, 2012 hikaricore: Nope, he'll find out sometime next week. ![]() 2:35 PM | June 21, 2012 pax: sweet! congrats again. ^_^ Have you told your boss yet?11:19 AM | June 21, 2012 hikaricore: Btw, they're starting me at 15.50$ an hour. ![]() 10:38 AM | June 21, 2012 hikaricore: Next to the chinese ofc.10:06 AM | June 21, 2012 pax: There it is. ^_^ Jesus...I really want to see this "suspected fetus." Either it's the weirdest animal on earth, or these are the stupidest people on earth.10:02 AM | June 21, 2012 pax: Aw, damn. I got the email notification but the comment isn't showing on FB and I was going to give you all kinds of shit for deleting it, lol.9:59 AM | June 21, 2012 hikaricore: "When a flaming bag of dogshit simply won't cut it, leave an aborted fetus on their doorstep!" I tried to post this as a comment on your facebook link, but for whatever reason facebook is suddenly being a cunt.10:25 PM | June 20, 2012 pax: I wouldn't go that far.1:58 PM | June 20, 2012 hikaricore: And they're easier to deal with than mexicans!4:54 PM | June 19, 2012 pax: Thing that makes me happy today: my kids may not be old enough to cut the grass, but they are old enough to fetch beers from the fridge and that's almost as good.7:34 PM | June 18, 2012 pax: lol! With their little scuba suits. Oh, memories.7:04 PM | June 18, 2012 hikaricore: "But your honour, the green mice did it..."6:50 PM | June 18, 2012 pax: I'm thinking exlax in the chocolate sauce she puts on her ice cream. I'm not terribly keen on the prospect of prison. :P8:01 PM | June 14, 2012 hikaricore: Poison the beans. Won't be living off them for long. ![]() 5:30 PM | June 14, 2012 pax: you know...I cook. I cook real food, and I do it pretty damn well. there is no damn reason for a grown adult living in my house to literally live off refried beans. and it annoys me.7:55 PM | June 12, 2012 su2ge: ![]() ![]() 6:09 PM | June 12, 2012 pax: nevermind. it just looked way worse than it was. $5 plastic dohicky fixed it. ^_^4:03 PM | June 12, 2012 hikaricore: >.<12:35 PM | June 12, 2012 pax: my car is dead and I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.10:45 PM | June 10, 2012 pax: ![]() 10:42 PM | June 10, 2012 hikaricore: It actually was pretty damn good. I would have liked it more with that modified 1k island dressing they put on the frisco melt though. ^_^ But yea it was yummy.8:52 PM | June 10, 2012 pax: Was it awesome? If it was, I may go all wild and crazy and take myself to lunch when I go grocery shopping Friday.6:53 PM | June 10, 2012 hikaricore: As am I, but I felt adventurous this morning. ![]() 6:24 PM | June 10, 2012 pax: The 3d grilled cheese? It makes perfect sense to me. You can't butter and toast a right side out bun, and if it's not buttered and toasted, it's not grilled cheese. I almost got one Friday, but I'm in a committed relationship with the Frisco melt.4:31 PM | June 10, 2012 hikaricore: They put the bottom of the bun upside-down up on the top and the top of the bun right-side up on the bottom... [www]12:54 PM | June 10, 2012 pax: WTF is an inside out bun?12:41 PM | June 10, 2012 hikaricore: What kind of maniac makes a burger with an inside-out bun?1:49 PM | June 9, 2012 mike: is so bored, and diablo 3 is starting to get lame. *to the tune of huey lewis- i want a new drug* " I want new game, one that wont bug or lag, one that will be more then 6 hours, one that wont make me sad"9:29 PM | June 7, 2012 pax: I looked into it a few years ago but wasn't a candidate at the time. once my rx stabilizes, I'll look into it again.3:10 PM | June 7, 2012 hikaricore: I've been thinking about getting frickin laser surgery for awhile now, but I think I'll give it a few more years just to be sure that they don't suddenly link it to brain cancer or whatever. ![]() 10:18 AM | June 7, 2012 pax: Going to the optometrist for the first time in almost seven years tomorrow. Hopefully, I'm getting contacts that I can sleep in. It would be super awesome to be able to see when I wake up in the mornings. ^_^9:41 PM | June 6, 2012 hikaricore: I got sunburnt a little bit while I was sleeping this afternoon. Evidently I was lying at just the right angle for the sun to hit my forehead through my window from halfway across the room. O.o8:07 PM | June 5, 2012 su2ge: w00t7:37 PM | June 5, 2012 pax: Awesome! Congrats!7:12 PM | June 5, 2012 hikaricore: 2nd round interview next monday. ![]() 6:47 PM | June 5, 2012 pax: The sun is indeed a dick. I'm more than a little crispy. :P10:59 AM | June 5, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 9:43 AM | June 5, 2012 Mike: Blather? Wtf I typed blargh you stupid god damn iPhone9:42 AM | June 5, 2012 Mike: Blather, so tired of the bullshit. Seriously thinking about getting my facebook profile removed and shitting up pinkish full time12:53 AM | June 5, 2012 hikaricore: Ah... that's embarrassing. Luckily most of the page links and images are broken lol.11:58 PM | June 4, 2012 su2ge: [www]6:56 PM | June 4, 2012 hikaricore: Link? I'm too lazy to look myself.4:48 PM | June 4, 2012 su2ge: Found tha nimrod on the wayback machine. XD12:46 PM | June 4, 2012 hikaricore: Curses!11:30 AM | June 4, 2012 su2ge: Dammit.6:33 PM | June 2, 2012 pax: seems like the likely answer.5:03 PM | June 2, 2012 hikaricore: I wonder if it's damo..3:54 PM | June 2, 2012 pax: I dunno.2:26 PM | June 2, 2012 hikaricore: Who's this dan person?10:35 AM | June 2, 2012 pax: Nope. Well, I guess it's possible, but my nose isn't THAT good.7:39 AM | June 2, 2012 Dan: @pax - Albany, NY?1:43 AM | June 2, 2012 pax: Everywhere in Albany reeked of pot tonight.9:58 PM | June 1, 2012 su2ge: [www]9:54 PM | June 1, 2012 su2ge: I dig the super mario reference. The hamburger on the left also makes me think of BurgerTime.3:42 PM | June 1, 2012 pax: I dig it. ^_^12:43 PM | June 1, 2012 hikaricore: Hope yall enjoy the Pride theme for June, cos yer stuck with it until July. ^_^8:52 PM | May 31, 2012 pax: Damn. Well, good luck on the interview. ^_^8:48 PM | May 31, 2012 hikaricore: His response wasn't even worth my time listening to. So I'm going gungho for the apple job and if he's lucky I'll let him work around my hours.8:23 PM | May 31, 2012 pax: Ah. So I take it the boss 10-22'ed your request for a raise?7:37 PM | May 31, 2012 hikaricore: Next tuesday. ^_^7:21 PM | May 31, 2012 pax: So, have you had your interview yet?7:01 PM | May 30, 2012 pax: I need Skittles. It's medically necessary for my.....Skittle-emia. Yeah.6:52 PM | May 30, 2012 su2ge: Good news everyone! Our stock is stable at $0/share. We expect to to pay a dividend of $0.00 per share next month! w00t!3:01 PM | May 29, 2012 hikaricore: Batman!8:26 PM | May 27, 2012 pax: uh..... o.O4:19 PM | May 27, 2012 hikaricore: Today at the pet store I saw a dead fish living in a pineapple under the sea.8:38 AM | May 26, 2012 hikaricore: Fantastic news! ![]() ![]() 4:42 PM | May 25, 2012 pax: Mary is getting released tomorrow. 80% chance she's going to go back to normal after she finishes the steroid treatments. I'm so motherfucking happy right now. ^_^12:03 PM | May 25, 2012 hikaricore: Shit yea, and I mean hell, we had status updates over a decade ago. ^_^12:04 AM | May 25, 2012 su2ge: So facebook chat now does the ![]() 9:35 PM | May 24, 2012 pax: Unashamedly.9:28 PM | May 24, 2012 hikaricore: Pony racist. :(9:21 PM | May 24, 2012 pax: Even ponies. But to be fair, I've always hated them.9:18 PM | May 24, 2012 hikaricore: Even ponies?9:18 PM | May 24, 2012 hikaricore: 7:29 PM | May 24, 2012 pax: Bleh. I hate everything tonight.10:20 AM | May 24, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 9:58 AM | May 24, 2012 pax: no, the best part is that it was on the board and above 'collection plate' ^_^1:24 AM | May 24, 2012 hikaricore: The best part is that it was on the damn board. ![]() 10:15 PM | May 23, 2012 pax: It would still be funnier if the woman had said it. She looks like she has a stick up her butt,10:14 PM | May 23, 2012 su2ge: 10:13 PM | May 23, 2012 pax: Except for your face. Because your face is a php header error.10:12 PM | May 23, 2012 su2ge: No more php header errors!8:03 PM | May 23, 2012 pax: Chicken butt?6:24 PM | May 23, 2012 su2ge: Guess what?3:23 PM | May 23, 2012 hikaricore: I was getting php header errors on the new server and didn't feel like finding out why. ![]() 5:46 PM | May 22, 2012 pax: Jokes. Always with the jokes. ![]() 5:31 PM | May 22, 2012 su2ge: I think the counter is busted, or you're trying to do binary jokes.10:48 PM | May 21, 2012 pax: honestly, idk. she was in one of the local hospitals for a week and found out her kidneys are failing, but they don't know why. she needs a biopsy, so hopefully they'll get that done at Emory and be able to start treating the cause instead of the symptoms.9:34 PM | May 21, 2012 hikaricore: :( Is she gonna be alright?8:53 PM | May 21, 2012 pax: Mary is at Emory now.11:33 PM | May 20, 2012 pax: I'll see it when the five year old finally wears me down. :P8:54 PM | May 20, 2012 hikaricore: I probably won't see it until it comes out on the internet for free. ![]() 8:21 PM | May 20, 2012 pax: I haven't even seen the Avengers yet and I'm starting to hate it. :P6:40 PM | May 19, 2012 pax: Nope. Not allowed.4:34 PM | May 19, 2012 hikaricore: :(11:58 AM | May 19, 2012 migoboom: With all of this nonsense I may be taken out by a sinus infection.11:15 PM | May 17, 2012 hikaricore: I don't always post incomplete thoughts, but when I do6:01 PM | May 17, 2012 pax: yes and also yes1:10 PM | May 17, 2012 hikaricore: That is fucking hilarious and also horrible. ![]() 12:48 PM | May 17, 2012 pax: Yeah, they moved another bed in there, and then the old lady they brought it was walking around with her ass out. We also got to listen to poop noises for like 10 minutes, because she didn't close the bathroom door.9:31 AM | May 17, 2012 hikaricore: Wtf? lol8:16 AM | May 17, 2012 pax: At 1:30, Mary's private room got turned into a semi-private room, and I got to see naked old lady butt. >.<3:16 AM | May 17, 2012 hikaricore: Goodbye forever Network Solutions. ^_^11:46 PM | May 16, 2012 su2ge: I would just like to say that it is a perfect picture of what is wrong with our area when people watch the show "Duck Dynasty" and think "I would chill with those people!"9:36 PM | May 16, 2012 hikaricore: Yeah yeah, I just thought it was funny. ![]() 6:19 PM | May 16, 2012 su2ge: Eh, it's not like we're hinging every waking moment on whether punkish is up ![]() 6:09 PM | May 16, 2012 hikaricore: And before Tom asks, yes I forgot to swap the dns before I initiated the domain transfer. >.<5:41 PM | May 16, 2012 hikaricore: New host should be live tomorrow or friday. Anyone need a subdomain or (this part is funny, trust me you'll laugh) an email address? ![]() 8:15 PM | May 14, 2012 pax: Today I found out my 2 year old doesn't like wine. Thank god.7:25 PM | May 14, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 6:02 PM | May 14, 2012 su2ge: If your tool ratchets, you might have other problems to worry about.2:32 PM | May 14, 2012 hikaricore: I assume it involves tighter threads and a ratcheting tool.2:01 PM | May 14, 2012 pax: Thanks! Also, ![]() 12:34 PM | May 14, 2012 hikaricore: Congrats btw!12:34 PM | May 14, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 11:58 AM | May 14, 2012 pax: So excited! Emily tested into gifted and she starts in the fall. ^_^12:20 PM | May 13, 2012 hikaricore: It has something to do with the javascript/css having a unique identifier or something. I knew a way to fix it before, but it involved an entire rewrite of the damn thing which I simply didn't care to do. ![]() 12:05 PM | May 13, 2012 pax: That's weird.11:52 AM | May 13, 2012 hikaricore: Maybe. Yet it still only works once lol.8:57 AM | May 13, 2012 su2ge: ![]() 8:46 AM | May 13, 2012 pax: Maybe you were just doing it wrong?2:44 AM | May 13, 2012 hikaricore: Holy shit, the rainbow tag works again?! It stopped for some odd reason ages ago.10:14 PM | May 12, 2012 su2ge: SIDEWAYS HILL ENGAGE10:14 PM | May 12, 2012 pax: ![]() 10:13 PM | May 12, 2012 su2ge: ![]() 9:15 PM | May 12, 2012 pax: I like how they kinda lined up in a diagonal there.8:53 PM | May 12, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 8:38 PM | May 12, 2012 su2ge: ![]() 7:44 PM | May 12, 2012 pax: ![]() 5:15 PM | May 12, 2012 hikaricore: Ok it's official, we're moving.4:53 PM | May 12, 2012 hikaricore: Hell, looking at 1&1 even their hosting is fantastic... unlimited space + everything I need for 3.49$/mo for the first 12 months then like 7 bucks after... maybe I will switch lol. Would be a nice place to backup all my media. ;)4:39 PM | May 12, 2012 hikaricore: I'll look into them next year, this year I plan to get my re-registration free. I'll post the a transcript of the conversation here so you can get a good laugh. ![]() 3:20 PM | May 12, 2012 su2ge: Network solutions always has and always will suck. Use 1&1. They are cheaper and better quality.3:04 PM | May 12, 2012 pax: wtf11:20 AM | May 12, 2012 hikaricore: Oh yea, and they already charged me ontop of all this which overdrew my bank account since I had just paid my rent and wasn't expecting further expenses until atleast monday. >.>10:25 AM | May 12, 2012 hikaricore: Network Solutions signed me up for their "SafeRenew" feature without my authorization, then added themselves as an automatic payment on paypal without my permission, and finally when I contested the transaction sent me a past due notice without bothering to respond to paypal's inquiry. Suffice to say I have a feeling that I'll be getting the domain renewed next month when it's actually about to expire at a greatly reduced rate or quite possibly free depending on how shitty i get with them on the phone. ![]() 10:11 PM | May 8, 2012 pax: ![]() 8:28 PM | May 8, 2012 hikaricore: It wasn't really a planned risk so hope would be the wrong word. However things seem to be going all right thus far so I'd say it worked out. ![]() 7:55 PM | May 8, 2012 su2ge: So.... Risk turn out how you hoped?12:35 PM | May 6, 2012 hikaricore: Blarg4:05 AM | May 5, 2012 hikaricore: ![]() 1:43 AM | May 5, 2012 hikaricore: Got off my ass and reset the router. l;ol5:43 PM | May 3, 2012 su2ge: Yeah man, good luck. Hope for the best.7:00 AM | May 3, 2012 pax: good luck, dude. I hope it works out for you. ![]() 2:13 AM | May 3, 2012 hikaricore: 9:49 PM | May 2, 2012 hikaricore: Yesterday I took a calculated risk. Still waiting to see what the eventual outcome is. Wish me luck though. I seriously need it.10:35 PM | May 1, 2012 hikaricore: Thanks. ^_^ I felt like doing an epic layout would be a nice change of pace.9:08 PM | May 1, 2012 su2ge: Damn dude... you did a good job on the graphics for this.12:34 AM | May 1, 2012 pax: It's preeeeeeettttttttyyyyyy! |
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